Meet the Team
Steven Gray
Steven Gray is a professor of sustainability at Michigan State University. With a background in systems ecology, he studies collaborative modeling and decision-making. Along with Dr. Cindy Franz, he co-leads the project.
Cindy Frantz
Cindy Franz is the Norman D Henderson Professor of Psychology and Environmental Studies at Oberlin College. She studies social and environmental psychology, including connectedness to nature and systems thinking. Along with Dr. Gray, she co-leads the project.
Johanna Jauernig
Johanna Jauernig has a background in philosophy and moral psychology and is a postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for the Philosophy of Freedom at the University of Arizona.
Alita Boyse-Peacor
Alita graduated from Oberlin college, majoring in psychology and environmental studies. She plans to go back to school for a PhD in science and risk communication.
Rebecca Jordan
Rebecca Jordan is the Chair of Michigan State Universities Community Sustainability Department. She studies science education and decision making in students and the public.
Paul Brehm
Paul Brehm is an Associate Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies at Oberlin College. Beyond his work in this project's area, one of his core research interests is in electricity market structures and outcomes.
John Petersen
John Petersen is the Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology at Oberlin college. A systems ecologist by training, his research focuses on understanding the role of feedback control in both environmental and social systems, exemplified by the Environmental Dashboard.
Md Rumi Shammin
Rumi Shammin is a professor of Environmental Studies at Oberlin College. His research focuses on energy policy and human dimensions of environmental studies, including climate change adaptation in Bangladesh.